Saturday, May 21, 2011

Another One Bites The Dust

For the last few months I have been compiling a list of majestic old buildings and homes in our area that I want to document for posterity's sake. Many of them appear in a couple of historical  books at the local library but the quality of the photos leave much to be desired.

 For the second time in two weeks I have been saddened to discover that a  building from my list is being taken down before I could get to it. This time it's a classic red barn just a few miles away from my house. I take some consolation in the fact that it is being disassembled by hand so that the materials can be recycled. That beats a bulldozer any day.

With the roof already removed and some boards also gone form the front, there was an eerie appearance about the place. It was  as though she was slowly vaporizing into the sky and the heavens were majestically welcoming her home after a long life of service. I am sorely going to miss that old barn.