Friday, May 6, 2011

Thank God I'm A Spring Hope Boy Now....

...because  I am just 5 minutes away from some of the finest and funnest dining for miles and miles around.  And yesterday I talked my way into the kitchen and watched as culinary magician Art Ward prepared yet another one of his personal off the chart recipes: Turkey and Sausage Gumbo Over Rice. Words fail me for describing just how good it was, so all I can say is you shoulda, oughta been there friend.

Preparing the gumbo base

Whipping together his own special  rue

Adding the rue...

His nose tells him he's nailed it again.

And you already know what came next.....


  1. Love the the town reflection in the window. Did Art make that scruptious quesidilla we had there?

  2. Yes. He said that 90% of what Showside serves is from dishes he has developed over the last 20 years.

  3. Refelctions in windows are usually a bane because most of the time they distract from the subject so I usually try to avoid them or clone them out with editing. But in this case I agree that they enhanced the shot.
